Anastasia Hendryanto is a Life Design Coach, Enneagram Teacher and a lover of nature and simplicity. She helps women go from surviving to thriving so they can recover their confidence, energy and time. Anastasia believes that we live our best lives when we slow down, clear the clutter and share our gifts.
Recent Posts
How The Enneagram Changed My Life Part 2
Last week I shared Part 1 of how The Enneagram has changed my life. It’s given me the opportunity to become aware of my subconscious thought patterns so I can understand why I do what I do. If you missed Part 1, you can read it here. Now that I’m aware of...
How The Enneagram Changed My Life Part 1
I’ve explained the nuts and bolts of The Enneagram with you, start here if you missed it, but I haven’t shared how The Enneagram changed my life. Have you ever wondered why you do what you do? Or Have you ever wondered why people do what they do? This is...
Your Future
I wanted to dive into some BIG questions with you since you’ve probably had lots of time reflect this month while spending so much time at home. Ha ha! What? You’ve been busy? Spending your precious time worrying about the future? Not the best use of your time,...