Last month I shared with you my mission for 2020:

Help as many women as possible move out of survival mode and back to thriving.

I’m all about living with more ease, joy and freedom!

I didn’t really explain how I actually help women get out of survival mode. It’s definitely not a secret so my plan is to share the exact steps I walk clients through.

I want you to have the information and tools to help yourself today.

Why? I don’t want to see women suffer unnecessarily or miss out on living their truth. Too many women are playing small and not sharing their gifts.

I want you to learn from my mistakes without having to make them yourself. Or if you’ve already made a bunch of similar mistakes I want to help you get out of the hole you’ve dug for yourself. Working harder, sacrificing your health and ignoring your desires are not the answer.

What do you need to thrive and live with more ease, joy and freedom?

Mindset, energy and time are the resources you need most to thrive.

I’m going share how you can manage these 3 resources and live a life you don’t want to run away from.

I want to share with you as many strategies and tools as I can so I’ve decide to focus on mindset, energy and time over the next few posts.

Before we can dive into mindset we need to know who you really are, not just the roles you play like mom, wife, entrepreneur, employee etc. AND what you want.

Last month I gave you one exercise to determine your values. Make sure you have your top 5-10 values on a sticky note and keep it somewhere visible. I keep mine on the inside cover of my bullet journal.

Values are where I love to start but I have a few more questions for you. I want you to have a complete picture of who you are.

  • What are you passionate about?
  • What are your strengths?
  • What do you pay attention to?
  • What motivates you?

Want a shortcut to these answers? Want a peak into your subconscious?

Are you open to exploring both your light and shadow side?

My favourite way to explore who I am and what makes me tick is through personality frameworks and assessments.

I love to geek out on all things related to personality!

AND I want to respect your time. My intention is to keep my weekly messages to you short and actionable.

Next week I will share my top 4 personality frameworks and how to choose the right one for you.

Your action step for this week are to hit “reply” and tell me who you really are.

Try to step outside the roles you play and connect with your inner essence. Gift yourself some time to focus on you. Grab a notebook or journal and jot down what comes up for you.



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